Official Launch: “West End Living” Specialist Disability Accommodation

We are excited to announce that a group of Activ customers in Geraldton will soon be moving into Activ’s first Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) offering.

SDA houses are bespoke properties designed and built to meet the unique and specific support needs of individuals living with disability.

The modern and customisable homes will be incredibly beneficial to Activ’s customers and their independence, offering greater choice and control of where, how and with whom they live.

Bespoke floor plans and assistive technology will be used in the homes to increase accessibility, meaning Activ’s customers will be better able to complete daily living tasks within their homes, enabling them to live more independently.

This SDA project is the first of its kind in WA, bringing together three parties; Activ, WAI Group and Community Housing Limited, to offer a level of choice and control around service provision across property management, supports for independent living and the building provider, that has never before been possible.

Activ, WAI Group and Community Housing Limited will all provide a completely different service to the residents of SDA houses, and this working relationship is integral in providing the very best experience to Activ’s customers.

Activ has been heavily involved in both the building design process and in supporting customers to engage with the NDIA to ensure that the appropriate funding is obtained.

The Geraldton SDA home will have an official ribbon-cutting opening event on 19 July 2021, attended by the Minister for Disability Services and other guests.

Keep an eye out for more updates on this exciting new project, where you can learn more about the new dwellings and how they are helping SDA customers achieve greater independence at home.