Dual-key Property Investment

How to get $40 – $50K returns from a property investment

Too many options out there when considering property investing?

Let’s narrow it down…

If your investing interests are in Positive Cash-Flow/High Yields – This e-mail is for you.

Comparing property income to purchase price is usually the foundation to this style of property investing.

This often leads us to dual-key property investments. One set of holding costs, two incomes and the positive cash-flow it can provide is typically very impressive. A great option!

However… We can go one better!

Dual-Key + Dual-NRAS

  • 2 x rental incomes + 2 x government tax free incentives
  • Providing staggering returns of $40K – $50K p.a.

If you are interested in finding out more contact Tim Bredl 0438 570 800 or tim@waigroup.com.au